Today I Skyped with our 'Teacher.'
Aren't you the teacher?
Kind of.
I am the 'Learning Coach.'
What does that mean?
I teach her math, science, reading/phonics, art, social studies, history, writing, physical fitness, music... but I am just a coach. I understand this. We have a 'teacher' because I only have degrees in English and can teach (and have taught) at the university level and do not carry a state of Michigan license to teach. Yes, I could go back to school for an additional 2 years of schooling to get that endorsement, but I really do not want to incur any more college debt (I still have $50,000 in loans to be paid...), but I digress. Our 'teacher' is based in lower Michigan and we follow a curriculum on-line. I must provide attendance for each school day and record our productivity. It sounds complicated, but, really, it's not. We 'attend' homeroom once per week via internet - and we don't have to be there at a certain time if we don't want to - which is good - we have never made it to a 'live' homeroom. We do watch it every week and make sure that our attendance reflects it.
What set me off today?
A miserable conference.
Do you know what it's like to turn on your webcam and get a glimpse of yourself in mid-panic? Yep. That was me today. My Daughter was having a melt down. She didn't want to take time away from dancing. I hadn't prepared her, as I should have, for the conference call. I know better. I should have told her that morning... after lunch... an hour before... thirty minutes before... ten minutes... five minutes... But, no. I forgot that she needs to prepare for things - baths, going outside, reading, etc. Having things 'sprung' on her is not a way to get her cooperation.
At 3:30, there I was, cup of coffee and notebook next to me when her teacher popped up for our chat and asked where Sarah was. Huh? OH MY GOD - I forgot that Sarah would be tested for the first ten minutes on her phonics. The child who I had been teaching turned into a screaming, bratty alien who suddenly forgot that music begins with an 'M' and that drum begins with a 'D' and not a 'G.' Rather than think of my poor child, I thought of myself. What will the teacher think? Will she think I've been cheating on the daily attendance? That I've lied to her (and everyone who would listen) that my darling Sarah is reading?! After a few minutes, her loving teacher dismissed her and got me back in view... would I mind conducting the testing this weekend? She'll send the supplies via email... I nodded and dejectedly replied. I had wanted to show the 'teacher' that we were Amazing - dare I say Genius for this age -- and instead, I got a reminder that I am not the star of this show - it is my Daughter. The 'teacher' understands that Sarah is being TAUGHT by me and only 'sees' her teacher once every few months (this was our second time on Skype with her). My Daughter was being shy and nervous, which resulted in silliness. The teacher knew how to handle this - it was to turn over the reigns to someone who teaches this little girl on a daily basis: her real Teacher.
I'm learning every day...
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